Big Picture
Under Christ and His Word,
Elders lead ministry, Deacons facilitate ministry, and the Congregation does ministry.
As an elder-led and congregationally ruled church, elders have God-given authority and leadership responsibility to make thousands of daily and weekly decisions in the life of the church, but they cannot make all the decisions. Rather, the congregation has God-given final earthly decision-making authority in the life of the church regarding certain key matters—membership & discipline, doctrine, appointing and removing officers—and the elders are to lead the congregation to exercise their authority in these key matters in a way that is biblically faithful, wise, and loving.
We currently have diaconate/staff roles for Benevolence, Children’s Ministry, Finance, Musical Worship, and Operations.

Eric Yee
Lead Pastor
Originally from Maryland in the United States, Pastor Eric committed his life to follow Christ through the ministry of HMCC of Ann Arbor at the University of Michigan. He joined the HMCC of Ann Arbor team that was sent to Indonesia to plant HMCC of Tangerang and later joined the pastoral staff.
In 2015, he married his wife Tina, who was also part of the church plant team sent by HMCC of Ann Arbor to Indonesia. And a few months later, they both helped plant HMCC of Jakarta. They have two young boys together: Caleb and Micah.
Pastor Eric is studying toward a Master of Arts (Biblical Studies) degree at Reformed Theological Seminary. In his spare time, Pastor Eric enjoys CrossFit and reading.

Jeffrey Susila
Assistant Pastor
Pastor Jeff is originally from California, USA. Graduated in 2013 from UC Davis with a biochemistry and molecular biology undergraduate degree. After graduation, he worked as an EMT at an ambulance company, and a phlebotomist at a local hospital, before moving to Indonesia back in 2018.
He realized he was a sinner through Pastor Eric’s sermon on November 4, 2018 (fun fact!). He then learned how to read the Bible by going to LIFE Group, and eventually came to understand the Gospel, and got baptized at HMCC of Jakarta in 2019.
In 2022, Pastor Jeff served as a pastoral intern at HMCC of Jakarta, and he was installed as an assistant pastor in February 2023.
Having grown up in San Francisco, Pastor Jeff is a huge fan of the Golden State Warriors and supports all San Francisco sports teams! But his favorite team of all time is team Jesus!