Sun · 2/18/2024 - Sun · 3/10/2024
5:00 PM
5th Floor, Lotte Shopping Avenue
Experiencing Membership class will be held weekly for a total of 4 meetings starting from Sunday, November 12th, at 5PM after Sunday Celebration.
This class is a prerequisite to become a member of HMCC (along with the Five Solas class).
In Experiencing Membership class, we’ll learn about the importance of local church membership and what HMCC’s distinctives are; we’ll gain a better understanding of what it means to be “the church gathered” & “the church scattered”; and we’ll learn what the requirements for membership at HMCC are.
Taking this class does not automatically mean that you’re committing to membership at HMCC, but it’s for you to make an informed decision about whether you will commit to this church or another local church.